Our PTA is made up of hard-working parents & teachers who pool their talents to provide practical support for our school. Those listed below volunteered to provide leadership this year. Get to know their names and faces, and feel free to ask them if you have questions.



2023-2024 PTA Board 

  • Principal: Sarayna Sureshkumar

  • President: Megan Kelly, email: presidentgrantpta@gmail.com 

  • Vice President: Josh Evans

  • Treasurer: Anya Drelich, email: treasurergrantpta@gmail.com 
  • Assistant Treasurer: Ashlan Falletta-Cowden
  • Secretary: Liz Campos
  • Parliamentarian: Mollie McWilliams
  • Membership: Jenn Emis

  • Communications: Kelly Garzelli, email: communicationsgrantpta@gmail.com 

  • Volunteer Coordinator: Laurice Levine

  • Hospitality: Jess Worthen
  • Community Outreach: OPEN

  • Room Rep Coordinator: Kendall Montiel

  • Technology: Marquita Lee, email: techgrantpta@gmail.com 

  • Safety and Disaster Preparedness: OPEN

  • Historian: Isabel Melara
  • Fundraising Coordinator: OPEN
  • TIDE Chair: Brittany Ceres 
  • Teacher Representative: Ms. O'Niell






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