Thanks to the generous support of Healthy Petaluma and Community Matters during the 2024-2025 school year, Grant Elementary School participated in the Waking Up Courage Assembly, offered a Parent Workshop, and training selected upper grade students in the Safe School Ambassadors program.


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Safe School Ambassadors®

Interested students at Grant School in 4th-6th grade were trained on September 11th and 12th on how to become Safe School Ambassadors.  The training gives student Ambassadors the skills and tools to resolve conflicts, defuse incidents, and support isolated and excluded students.


The Safe School Ambassadors® Program (SSA) is Community Matters' evidence-based program that harnesses the power of students to prevent and stop bullying and mistreatment.


The SSA Program is a student-centered model that educates diverse social leaders with the skills to prevent and reduce bullying. It is the nation’s most effective student-led bullying prevention program.


Student bystanders see, hear, and know things adults don’t, can intervene in ways adults can’t and are often on the scene of an incident before an adult. They are a critical and necessary resource for positively impacting the crisis of bullying in our schools.


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