We invite you to partner with the Grant PTA for its annual Jog-A-Thon fundraiser!


Every school year, Grant helps to make this event the largest fundraiser with full student body participation.


This year it will be on Friday, October 11, 2024.


Sponsorship Levels

Grant PTA is excited to offer the below sponsorship opportunities at various levels.


By offering these partnership possibilities, we are proud to expand and build more connections between the Grant community and local businesses in Petaluma and Sonoma County.


Sponsoring the event will allow you to help build visibility with local families and raise money for vital school programs.




  Inspire healthy physical activity


  Support and build school community


  Raise $60,000 for school programs that include: 


Lucky Charm Shamrock 

☘  Your business logo/name on the Grant Jog-A-Thon website     

  Shout out on Grant Elementary social media including your business logo/name


Become a Lucky Charm Shamrock! 

STAR Shamrock 

☘  All marketing opportunities included at the Lucky Charm Shamrock level    

  Your logo included on Grant Jog-A-Thon t-shirts worn by all students and staff

☘  Your logo/name featured in the Shamrock newsletter


Become a STAR Shamrock! 



☘  All marketing opportunities included at the Star Shamrock level  

  Your logo/name in larger font on website, social media, t-shirts and newsletter 

☘  Two Adult Size Grant Jog-A-Thon t-shirts  

☘  An advertisement in the Grant Elementary 2023/24 yearbook


Become a SENSATIONAL Shamrock! 

PREMIERE Shamrock (Limited to 1)

☘  All marketing opportunities included at the Sensational Shamrock level    

  Live acknowledgement at our Jog-A-Thon event

☘  Your business listed in the event name on the Grant School marquee (i.e., Jog-A-Thon presented by “your name”)




To discuss sponsorship opportunities, please feel free to reach out to:


Stacey Galgano | Grant Jogathon Chair | stacalini@gmail.com | 917-757-4668